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Mulloy Morrow

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail code 0409
EBU 1, Room 5512
La Jolla, CA 92093-0409

mmorrow at ucsd dot edu
Phone: (858) 534-4538

I am a M.S. student in Statistical Visual Computing Lab, ECE department, UCSD. I received my B.S. in Engineering Physics (joint ECE and Physics) from UCSD. Expcted M.S. Degree in Spring 2012.


My research interests are machine learning and computer vision. My broader interests include the symbiosis between theories of biological learning, perception, and vision and theories of machine learning and vision.

At present, I am working on an intelligent system that performs computer vision and machine learning testing. This encompasses integrating distributed analytics with a Pelco real-time dynamic and open video database, then visualizing realtime results and historic trends. At present (Spring 2012), our SVCL Crowd Counting analytic is the only analytic online thus far. The visualization module uses the following Google APIs: Fusion Tables, Maps, and Charts.

Automated and Distributed Crowd Analytics
We developed common experimental platform, which connects a distributed camera network with SVCL Analytic, specifically Crowd Counting.
[project | demos]
Motion Database
Catalog of Crowd Motion.

Analysis of Crowded Scenes using Holistic Properties
A. B. Chan, M. Morrow, and N. Vasconcelos
In 11th IEEE Intl. Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS 2009), Miami, June 2009.
IEEE [pdf]


Automated Crowd Counting System Upon A Distributed Camera Network
Mulloy Morrow, Master Thesis, ECE UCSD, 2012 [PDF]


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